Callender Dermatology and Cosmetic Center | Glenn Dale MD

What Is Good Skin Care?

Aesthetic Procedures Glenn Dale, MDYou wake up, splash some water on your face, grab a bagel, and head out the door— that’s your version of skin care. And although that version of skin care may have gotten you to where you are now, it’s not doing you any favors in the long run. So, what is good skincare and what should you be doing for your skin? Let’s take a closer look.

It Requires TLC

No, we aren’t talking about the 90’s girl group, we are talking about old school Tender Love and Care. Even though life is busy, giving your skin, the TLC it needs will go a long way. Get into a healthy and strict skin care regimen by doing things such as washing your face with a gentle facial cleanser both morning and night, wearing eye cream to bed, and putting sunscreen on during the day. Just a few easy steps will make a huge difference.

It Requires Maintenance

When you look in the tabloids and gossip magazines, or even if you just watch your favorite movie, you will notice that Hollywood stars are looking younger and younger and even though they may deny having any work done, trust us, they have. Here at Callender Cosmetic and Dermatology Center, we offer patients a variety of aesthetic services including fillers, Botox, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion to name a few.

It Requires Attention

One of the best things you can do for your skin is to target any issues before they get worse. For instance, although getting one pimple isn’t means to call the acne police, recognizing acne or other skin care concerns early on can help us get rid of it before it gets worse or results in things like scarring.

Taking care of your skin requires more than just washing your face at night— it requires TLC, maintenance, and attention. Schedule your skin care consultation at our Glenn Dale office today!

Posted in: Skin-care Treatments

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